Saturday, January 4, 2014

MY WORD FOR 2014? O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E !!

Late this afternoon I began working on organizing my desk.  Gosh, does it NEED it!  I started with the huge pile in my "In Box".  I neglected to take a photo of the before, but this is the paper filling the recycling container in my office.  All from ONE in-box!

Thankfully, my in-box looks SO much better.  The paperwork turned side-ways (down to the brass paperweight you can just see peeking out) is REALLY important stuff that must be handled first thing Monday morning.  The next pile (down to the cardboard) are things that are pending and I should be following up on in the next week.  Everything below that is in need of filing.  I think the next time I am at the thrift shop I am going to keep my eyes opened for a multiple section wall pocket.  I could really use one that I could label "Tomorrow", "Pending", "J" (for things I need to give to him) and "Mom" (for things I need to give to her).  Hopefully I can set up a more permanent filing system in my desk drawer for all of the other things that don't need immediate attention.  Tomorrow?  I start to tackle that desk drawer.  Frightening.  Truly FRIGHTENING!  And the desk is just the tip of the iceberg!!!!


  1. Lin, do NOT wait for some random tatty old wall pocket at the thrift shop ( which MAY never happen BTW) Get yourself down to IKEA and buy a KVESSLE. Its a metal wall rack paperwork thingy ; ) Mine is the white version. I bought it after seeing it in use in a LOT of MOMs Command Centres all over Blogland.

    Ikea is balm to any woman with a need for organizing, just sayin'

    Rinty x

    1. Thank you for supplying me with the great idea, and the name! J has asked me to keep my eyes peeled for some type of folding hooks he wants the next time I go to Ikea. Now I have a REASON to go!

  2. Lin, I guess my word for this year is organize as well. Started all those loose recipes and keep finding them in very strange places in the house. I think that this may last a bit more than the one month I am allowing for it.

    God bless.

    1. After 24 years in this house, we really need to organize EVERYTHING, lol. I have a big shoe box filled to the brim, and then some, with recipes I want to try. I also have at least two dozen recipes shoved into the first page of my personal cookbook...which is one of those 4" wide binders and that is WAY too stuffed. I really need to start trying one new recipe a week to weed them out and at the same time break my big cookbook down into smaller cookbooks for ease of handling!
