Friday, March 4, 2016


J and his girlfriend came over last weekend and built the first two of my three Ikea Pax units.  They will probably build the third one this weekend and it will be placed to the right of the first two.  I absolutely LOVE these units as they provide lots of storage...and most importantly ORGANIZED storage!  Dear Hubby was hoping that these three units would provide all of the storage I need.  Silly hubby.  I am a quilter!  As anyone who IS or KNOWS a quilter can attest...our fabric stashes, tools and patterns multiply like rabbits; and I'm going from a room with a large closet to a room with NO closet!

In my defense, I have been sorting and purging through EVERYTHING before placing it into my new sewing room.  Here's proof...a big bag of mostly free fabric going out to a fellow Freecycler!  I'm handling this sewing room move in teeny tiny bites...the only way I can complete this gargantuan process.  After doing this, I can't imagine how I would EVER move to another house!  More reason to complete the massive purge through that I began last year.  I'm heading for everything except my sewing room.  There I will take purged and organized! 



  1. Ohhh,my! What lovely big cupboards you are going to have.

    Your Hubby sounds so much like mine. While I do quilt a bit (not near as much as you) I sew and knit.... I think I might just have to invest in something other than the plastic drawers I am now using. They just do not look very nice.

    God bless.

    1. I intend to have these cupboards for the rest of my spending a bit of money wasn't a problem. And, since I sold all of the living room furniture on eBay, I covered a portion of the cost...making it an even better investment!

  2. Well done, can't wait to see the finished room

    1. Thank you, Melody. I can't wait until it is all finished and I can give a little tour!
